fake chemical safety law now before Senate; House of R. passed it

The “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015,” authored by Pompeo (R-KS), also known as the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know), was recently passed by the House of Representatives in a 275-150 vote, where it will now move on to the Senate. If passed, the bill will render null any state-level GMO labeling laws like those passed in Hawaii, Oregon and Connecticut.  http://www.naturalnews.com/050735_Pompeo_GMO_labeling_DARK_Act.html#ixzz3pGDRs8zT


The main chemical safety law in the United States – the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) – is outdated and deeply flawed, allowing more than 80,000 chemicals that have never been tested for safety to be used in the United States.1

Senators Tom Udall (D-NM) and David Vitter (R-LA) have now introduced a bill to reform TSCA, but it is even worse than the existing law. Incredibly, the bill may have even been written by the American Chemistry Council, the lobbying arm of the chemical industry.2   http://act.credoaction.com/sign/sham_chemical_bill/


Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families, a coalition of 450 health, environment, labor and business groups, said in a statement that it appreciates the efforts of the senators toward making “genuine improvements” in the legislation but said it remains opposed to it.  
VISTA, Calif.July 21, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Dr. Bronner’s, family-owned maker of the top-selling natural brand of soap in North America, urged consumers last week to contact their representatives and oppose Rep. Mike Pompeo’s (R-KS) bill, H.R. 1599, commonly known as the DARK Act – or “Deny Americans the Right to Know” Act. This bill would block all states from labeling genetically engineered foods, and make it much harder for the 
FDA to ever mandate national labeling. Virtually all genetically modified food grown in the U.S. is engineered by chemical companies to survive high doses of the toxic herbicides they sell, which contaminate our food and water. Sixty-four countries already mandate labeling of GE foods.   

9-29-2015     New Reform Makes Matters Worse

  For years, Congress has been debating ideas to fix the problem. The chemical industry fought these efforts at every step and most of the stronger enforcements and protections were scuttled. Instead, the chemical industry wrote their own chemical reform bill and poured $190 million into congressional campaign funds to move it to the voting floor where it is today.  Sponsored by Senator’s Vitter & Udall, this fake reform is brilliantly crafted to sound protective, but in
actuality would give the industry everything they want and leave the American family largely (dead.)        http://www.ceh.org/get-involved/take-action/content/action-test-new-reform-leaves-door-open-to-onslaught-of-harmful-chemicals/

3-19-2015  Boxer (D-CA) may have been right to question its authorship. Early in the week Hearst Newspapers got its hands on a draft version that was circulated by Udall’s office in anticipation of a committee hearing on Wednesday. Someone at Hearst checked the authoring information contained in the Word document—and found that it originated with the American Chemistry Council, the “leading trade organization and lobbyist for the chemical industry.”

Although Udall (D-NM) has a strong environmental record, he’s become cozy with ACC and other industry groups over the two years he’s spent working on the TSCA overhaul, as the same Times article revealed. He has raised “tens of thousands” of dollars from chemical interests, and the ACC even ran a television ad on his behalf. “The leadership he is providing is absolutely critical,” the group’s president and lobbyist Cal Dooley told the Times. Udall and the other sixteen cosponsors of his legislation received, on average, about 70 percent more from chemical companies than other senators.  http://www.thenation.com/article/did-chemical-industry-write-its-own-oversight-legislation/

Let all drink of the eternal fount of the Mother-Flame and live

Do not submit to darkness but submit in humility to the light of God that affords every trial, every tribulation. Be the obedient servant of the Law but not of the demons who would mock your humility and call you servile in that fear which is only the fear of the demons because they have not the salvation of God. I tell you, the only fear there is is to know that you in your soul–in your soul potential to be God—have never taken a moment in this life to ratify your oneness, have never gone to the Holy of Holies to submit your case to Almighty God, have never said “Lord, I would be washed by the waters of the Word; I would come into alignment. Show me what I must do to inherit eternal Life.”…
Therefore affirm the unreality of sin, disease and death even while you invoke the violet flame to transmute the effect of a condition of consciousness whereby in former times and spaces you accepted and qualified the “reality’ of that sin, disease and death. Thus molecules of light are stripped of false belief and systems of error by this ritual of transmutation….Do you understand that this is the science of the immaculate concept whereby you behold the true geometry of life–and that that life beholding itself in you is the quickening power of the true scientist of Christ? And that in that quickening power you invoke the Holy Spirit–and the cause, effect, record and memory of illusion must also submit?
Therefore in each chakra there is a practice of the sacred law and the science of being. In some of your chakras you may decree, in others you meditate, in others you visualize wholeness, in others the science of the Word is the confirmation of health. Then realize, beloved ones, that every path of every religion is intended to supply the Body of God upon earth with a component of this cosmic science–of this way–and that so that when you play the seven notes of your chakras and the five notes of the secret rays you begin to have the full expression of the divine complement of harmony whereby you are the instrument of the total consciousness of God on earth as in heaven. When you find the thread–the precious thread of contact which connects each one of these levels of mastery–you will enter into the great synthesis of the Mother-Flame….
I am Lanto; I seal you now in the fires of understanding. Let all drink of the eternal fount of the Mother-Flame and live. -Lanto: 11-13-1977 at San Francisco via Messenger E C Prophet


I come scaling the summits of life.


I come scaling the summits of life. I work with elemental life and with God Tabor, spanning the mountain ranges of North America. I am in search of a chela even as I was once in search of a Guru, even as I met my master in the mountain.
I am a devotee of freedom even as I am proud to be called a patriot of life! For I release the fervor of my heart, and that fervor is a sphere of pink light around every star aborning–the star of your soul, the stars of the flag that blows in the wind, the stars of the nations, the stars of the planetary bodies. And I walk with Godfre, I walk with Saint Germain–ever kindling with the fervor of my heart the precious concepts of freedom which they hold for mankind. And as I walk many times in silence meditation upon the words of God Obedience and of the Master of freedom’s flame I hear them also in search of a chela–not one but many….
Now rejoice, for I am close at hand, and I take my walking stick and I hike into the mountains and I anchor my flame in a physical tangible body. And by and by one of these days when you are hiking in the mountains you may see afar off a form of one–perhaps an old man, perhaps a young man, perhaps the flame of Orion! From my heart to your heart the flame of the mountain glows.
-Mighty Orion (Elohim Heros): 7-5-1975 at Lake Siskiyou near Mt. Shasta via Messenger E C Prophet IMG_4789.JPG

For millions of years nature has been in balance–but now

Screen Shot 2017-05-13 at 3.55.00 PM.jpg http://www.beyondtoxics.org/wp-content/uploads/AgentOrange-OregonForest_HipFishMonthly_ALL_FINAL.pdf
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt went against his agency’s own research and rejected a ban on chlorpyrifos, a commonly used pesticide that has been shown to damage children’s brain development. The chemical is linked to ADHD, lower IQs and autism.

Certainly some of the most dangerous pesticides like this one should be banned altogether. Another commonly used pesticide in Kern is cancer-causing fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene or Telone. It is banned in the European Union and should be banned here in the United States. Currently, California is the only state that has any limits whatsoever on its use.

It’s clear we won’t be able to rely on federal regulators like the EPA to keep us safe from pesticides – that’s why we must continue to take action at the local level. First on our Kern County to-do list: the buffer zones around schools need to be bigger, as pesticides can drift much farther than a quarter mile.

Second, advanced notification for pesticide application must be longer than 48 hours to give schools, sports teams, and childcare facilities more time to prepare. Some school districts in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties receive five days warning for fumigant applications within their buffer zones – Kern should follow their lead.

As the late Cesar Chavez said more than 25 years ago, “The misery that pesticides bring farm workers, and the dangers they pose to all consumers, will not be ended with more hearings or studies…the answer lies with you and me. It is with all men and women who share the suffering and yearn with us for a better world.” http://www.southkernsol.org/2017/04/07/op-ed-lets-keep-up-the-momentum-on-pesticide-safety-wins/
Thus confronted by powerful corporate opposition, the environmental movement has split in two. The older national environmental organizations, in their Washington offices, have taken the soft path of negotiation, compromising with the corporations about how much pollution is acceptable … The people living in the polluted communities have taken the hard path of confrontation … The national organizations deal with the environmental disease by negotiating about the kind of ‘Band-Aid’ to apply to it; the community groups deal with the disease by trying to prevent it. -Barry Commoner: Making Peace With the Planet, 1990
2-28-1989 At stake are an estimated 300 million to 400 million board-feet of timber–enough to rebuild Burbank–that the Forest Service says it would permit to be cut down in weed-infested areas each year. Herbicides are used in such areas to control weeds that otherwise overrun the tree seedlings that replace felled timber.

At issue is the wisdom and safety of spraying 50 to 75 tons a year of toxic chemicals and suspected carcinogens on the forests–and, critics complain, on the people and wildlife there, as well as on the source of drinking water that eventually pours out of city taps.

“It surprises me some that they want to continue using herbicides in light of what’s come out in the four years they haven’t been spraying,” Glass said. “There have been all these studies documenting links between cancer and 2,4-D and a bunch of the rest of them.” He said spraying hurts not only people and wildlife in Northern California but the water in the area. Nearly 85% of the state’s runoff comes from conifer forests. http://articles.latimes.com/1989-02-28/news/mn-544_1_forest-service

10-4-16 When planting after harvesting forest, Weyerhaeuser may use herbicides to control weeds, brush and invasive species that compete with tree seedlings for sunlight, nutrients and water, Weyerhaeuser Public Affairs Manager Greg Miller said in an email. http://www.dailyastorian.com/Local_News/20161004/aerial-spraying-rattles-coastal-residents For millions of years nature has been in balance–now many corporations think it is their call as to define how life works, but it is money that motivates them. -r, mt. shasta
5-31-10 http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/cnns-look-at-toxic-america/25401
4-20-12 Loudoun County, VA has announced dates it plans to apply insecticides to local parks to control the tick population. The spraying at the following locations will be on weekdays and end no late than 2:30 p.m.

April 24 – Franklin Park
April 25 – Woodgrove Park, Nell Boone Park
April 26 – Mickie Gordon Park
April 27 – Lucketts Park
April 30 – Claude Moore Park
May 1 – Phil Bolen Park
May 2 – Ashburn Park and Conklin Park

The product being used, Talstar, is Bifenthrin-based and will be delivered using a variety of spray methods depending on the park. The county’s contractor for the project, Blake Landscaping, will post signs at the parks prior to the spraying. Signs also will be posted afterwards stating that the area has just been sprayed.

Lyme disease is caused by bacteria that some people get after being bitten by ticks infected with an organism named Borrelia burgdorferi. The organism that causes Lyme disease is maintained in wild rodents, deer, other mammals and certain ticks. It is transferred to people by the bite of an infected tick.

More information about Lyme disease awareness and prevention is online at http://www.loudoun.gov/lyme.

Wed, Apr 25 at 10:40 AM by Idiots Buying The Hype | Report this comment

This is not reasonable, will not do anything substantive against ticks and Lyme, and is a complete waste of $20,000 that will kill tons of beneficial bees and other insects. That’s why people are upset.

Wed, Apr 25 at 09:39 AM by leesburgne | Report this comment

Here’s a positive, proactive step by government to protect the public’s health … and people still complain. Why not hold a public protest? Go form an encampment and Occupy Loudoun!! The same crowd complaining about reasonable mitigation efforts for ticks is the same crowd that wants to eliminate mandatory vaccinations for children.

Tue, Apr 24 at 10:13 AM by Very Sad Day | Report this comment

Talstar will kill just about every insect it contacts, bad and good, and is very toxic to aquatic life and not good for anything else. This is like using a nuclear weapon to drive in a nail. A horrible horrible idea. I can’t believe they are going through with this and more people aren’t complaining. Keep your kids and pets out of these parks if you care about their health. This is truly a very sad day in Loudoun County.

Tue, Apr 24 at 09:24 AM by tcb_va | Report this comment

Blake CEO states that there was a bid process (apparently for a retention contract, not specific to this application of Talstar). Nevertheless, Blake is the beneficiary of this direction by the BOS; this smacks of payola.

The BOS should not be telling the PRCS how to manage the parks and this decision should not be made without proper due diligence. The Health Department should be involved in this and they are not.

Tue, Apr 24 at 09:06 AM by Eric the 1/2 troll | Report this comment

I be sure to keep the honeybees at home today. Are we ready for the fishkill in the pond at Franklin Park?

Mon, Apr 23 at 08:52 PM by Politics As Usual | Report this comment

Nobody cares about those questions, just scoring some political points, making Mike Farris happy, and handing out big contracts to campaign donors.

Mon, Apr 23 at 06:45 PM by Does anyone know what’s going on? | Report this comment

How long is this stuff going to be around? How many times are they going to do this, every year, multiple times a year? What percentage of the ticks in Loudoun are they going to kill? Will it even have an impact? How many people have gotten Lymes from one of these parks? Has anyone answered these questions?

Mon, Apr 23 at 04:11 PM by What A Deal | Report this comment

What a deal for the Blake Landscapes CEO – give Scott York and Janet Clarke $319 and get a $20,000 no-bid contract and free advertising in an official Loudoun County new release.


Mon, Apr 23 at 01:08 PM by Recall Clarke | Report this comment

Clarke seems to be involved in every controversy this board is ever involved in.

Mon, Apr 23 at 12:40 PM by beekeeper | Report this comment

Not good. Highly toxic to all of our beneficial insects as well. The honeybees are in enough trouble without this.

Mon, Apr 23 at 11:01 AM by tcb_va | Report this comment

So the BOS capriciously decided to tell the PRCS to spray at a cost of $20,000? No public discussion, no scientific evidence, much less debate, regarding the merits of insecticide application versus the actual potential for contraction of Lyme disease.

Where is the due diligence? Where is the careful and deliberative process of thought before government action? Why wasn’t the Health Department involved?

Now it seems that the sole financial beneficiary of this arbitrary action, Blake Landscaping, was a donor to the the Clarke and York campaigns.

This does not pass the smell test.

Sat, Apr 21 at 09:58 AM by Pandering Politicians | Report this comment

Anything to make Mike Farris happy.

Sat, Apr 21 at 09:37 AM by justsayin | Report this comment

@ Old Patowmac Paddler it is Bles park and how on earth has anyone come up with the “facts” that 2 people have died from tick bites that occurred there?? And this is another reason that actual Lyme sufferers are poo-pooed when people try to spout off information like that!!!

Sat, Apr 21 at 08:54 AM by Elle McGee | Report this comment

HMMMM – in the near past the BOS was so concerned about the affects of chemicals on our water supply that they were going to make it an expensive and difficult process for homeowners to install decks and play equipment in their yards (along with other restrictions).

Now they are going to spray this highly toxic chemical in our parks, close to wetlands,other sensitive areas, and children? It’s very concerning.

Sat, Apr 21 at 06:41 AM by tech9 | Report this comment

Although bifenthrin is the active ingredient in Talstar, it isn’t the only dangerous chemical in the product. The propylene glycol in Talstar has been known to cause kidney and liver damage if ingested repeatedly. It is also known to irritate the eyes and skin as well as kill rainbow trout.

Read more: Dangers of Talstar

Fri, Apr 20 at 09:40 PM by Old Patowmac Paddler | Report this comment

What about Bless Park where two people have died from deer ticks?

Fri, Apr 20 at 06:31 PM by Really? | Report this comment

I’m far more concerned about exposure to excess chemicals that kill things than I am of ticks or lymes disease.

bifenthrin is a terrible chemical! just sprayed at the mt. shasta public library, again! right next to the public school and wetlands! no warning, no notification, and no need to spray toxins as carpenter ants can be counteracted well by borax. -r

Roundup and similar products are used around the world on everything from row crops to home gardens. It is Monsanto’s flagship product, and industry-funded research has long found it to be relatively safe. A case in federal court in San Francisco has challenged that conclusion, building on the findings of an international panel that claimed Roundup’s main ingredient might cause cancer.

The court documents included Monsanto’s internal emails and email traffic between the company and federal regulators. The records suggested that Monsanto had ghostwritten research that was later attributed to academics and indicated that a senior official at the Environmental Protection Agency had worked to quash a review of Roundup’s main ingredient, glyphosate, that was to have been conducted by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/business/monsanto-roundup-safety-lawsuit.html?_r=1toxic-chemical-sign.jpg

the masses of the world then would soon degenerate into a chaotic protoplasmic mass of purposeless substance

“Yet if the masses continue to compress themselves downward toward their lowest common denominator (of delusion) as the current trend would indicate, the individual will fade into insignificance and his departure from creative purpose will be the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place where it ought not (Mark 13:14). If this trend were to continue, the masses of the world then would soon degenerate into a chaotic protoplasmic mass of purposeless substance. All hope is in The Summit concept–all hope is in the resurrection of universal purpose for every man. All hope looks toward the Master’s configuration: the star of the advent of Reality that manifests in the Divine Ego. Let men look up and live,” (stated Morya.)…
What is needed is neither total self-sacrificing service nor total sacrificing to self, but a balance of universal love that perceives that the individual’s mission is enhanced by reasonable service to others, to God and to cosmos. I come therefore to remind each one that he serves others best who serves Self wisely. And thus the purification of motive is called to your attention. I recommend that before the close of the year you write down the goals you have…for the balance of your life. Examine your motives for having these goals, then see if you can draw a line through those that are vain and foolish, through those which will consume your time and energy without helping your family, your group or your society to evolve….
As you examine all of these things try to find out the “why” of the motivation behind each goal….Remember that God helps those who help themselves (Aesop: “Hercules and the Wagoner”)….Be aware then of His mercy for you, and as it infuses your soul realize that to you it is also given to express genuine compassion and mercy for others….How gentle is the ascended master consciousness, yet how firm!, how tender, yet how highly resolved! -Kuan Yin: Pearls of Wisdom 12:52 0000165_kuan-yin-by-ruth-hawkins~2108AX_600.jpeg IMG_4785.JPGIMG_4783.JPG

Wutangshan, China

5-12-17 Comey apparently planned to save Clinton from charges even before she was interviewed, which would explain why he didn’t personally interview her and why the interview was never recorded and why she wasn’t forced to answer questions under oath. That is not how someone who is dedicated to upholding the law should operate. http://www.dailywire.com/news/16388/report-comey-plotted-not-recommend-charges-against-aaron-bandler
Screen Shot 2017-05-12 at 2.44.26 PM.jpg -Josie Grant: SF Chinatown 8 Immortals murals, originally in 1979
Wutangshan, 350 miles northwest of Wuhan in Hubei Province, China-a Taoist center from Tang Dynasty



To you it is given to know the mysteries of God

…my thoughts are made practical at this time in order that I amy call to your earnest attention the fact that no threatening sense of loss has any reality to the soul. Outer conditions may change–but how do you know that they will not change for the better?…Realize that the Infinite One is ever accurate in all of its judgments and manifestations. Be unconcerned with mortal considerations except to see to it that you yourselves are not guilty of the karma of placing oppressive obstacles in the pathway of your brother….
Will you therefore call with me to the powers of heaven and to the unfailing light of God for dispensations from the Solar Lords for the staying of the hand of the destructive forces that use the psychology of darkness against unsuspecting souls? Will you ask that these forces be exposed and that the work of the powers of darkness who would divide men’s hearts be brought to naught? The light we dispense from The Summit gleams upon the mountain of truth, of faith and of hope. It is a staunch light that will stand for truth and know that error will never be vindicated but only truth….
You can call to me and to my sword of blue flame which is a tangible manifestation of the sacred fire from God’s own heart to comfort you and to cut you free from all negation—even from those whom you may love dearly but who do not reciprocate your love….Because you have taken a stand, because you have put yourself out of the way, the justice of the Law can and will act impartially in the interest of the good of all concerned and you will have your freedom here and now. Thus the energy you have deposited in matrices of great hope for others will be used on behalf of those whom you may not even know as yet–as assistance, love and light to further their spiritual evolution.
There are upon the planetary body old records of karmic hurts, personal vendettas and hatreds of long standing,for these are carried over from one embodiment to the next until they are transmuted. These records are constantly being revolved in the minds of those who should know better and those who do know better–even in the minds of those who have been lovingly taught how to invoke the forgiveness flame. All should recognize that each time they revolve these records they strengthen the bond of inequity and darkness upon the planet.
We who serve the great light and know the power of freedom to elevate the race insist that humanity shall now understand and understand clearly that there is only one reason for man’s life upon earth and that is in order that he might find an unyielding uncompromising faith in the destiny of his life under the hand of infinite grace….
My point is that all friendships should be made divine, and then they will no longer be subject to the whimsies of mortal thought and feeling. So many times the substance of the soul is torn literally in half as man’s loyalty is divided between two friends who may not themselves agree.
The solution to the problem is that one’s loyalties should be to God and to Him alone. This loyalty should be guarded with one’s life and it must never be compromised through associations with those who by their actions have proven they are loyal neither to God nor to their “friends” but only to themselves. Let men be la friend to the God who lives in all….
May we ask then that you will continue to pray for this activity of light through which I am speaking and for its preservation against all obstacles? I say this because the closer it draws to the fulfillment of its mission the more disturbed the dark forces of the world become and the more frantically they work to tear it down….
To you it is given to know the mysteries of God. IMG_1831.JPG -Archangel Michael: Pearls of Wisdom 12 :47
Just as divine qualities are the source of man’s freedom so human qualities are the source of his bondage. The two streams flow side by side in the human consciousness—from which shall man drink? -Meru: Pearls of Wisdom 12 :48 Bolivia-Lake-Titicaca-5.jpg

Long ago it was told about the two fires: the creative fire and the destructive one.

401. Soulless repetition destroys the Teaching; also the quality of rhythm must be understood. Of course every crystal functions according to the principles of attraction and pulsation. But pulsation – or rhythm – is characteristic of the living principle. However any given rhythm may be more or less alive or dead. Living rhythms, spiritualized by the power of consciousness, will produce varying combinations of subtle energies. But the rhythm of the lips’ soulless repetitions results only in a dead beat that violates the wisdom of silence and brings only harm. Beware of repetitions devoid of spirit! Truly they dissolve the most precious gems of the Spirit. If one’s action is based only on fear or greed, then even a skeleton or a military drummer could rap out a more useful rhythm…. When I taught you the rhythms of the fire of space I of course had in mind the application of a spiritual consciousness and a striving without base motives. Long ago it was told about the two fires: the creative fire and the destructive one. While the first shines and warms and exalts, the second sears and reduces to ashes. But I directed you only to the creative fire. -M: Agni Yoga 1929

415. The element of fire—its very nature requires vigilance—fire is like a scherzo, a fugue. But glowing embers are like an andante. Of course the many kinds of flame all have different rhythms, but an agni (creative fire) yogi will never be an unresponsive sluggard. -M: Agni Yoga 1929

161. The rhythm of The Wheel of Life is so powerful that resistance to it cannot be asserted. The cosmic whirl intensifies all oppositions but the power of Reason engulfs the forces generated by opposition. Thus the obstacles are swept away by the rhythm of cosmic whirls. -M: Infinity 2, 1930

145. We do not like bigotry because it constitutes a lie, in other words, it comprises neither intensity nor quality. Thus in everything let us remember cooperation with cosmos. -M: Heart 1932

11, 243. Fire seemingly transforms all fiery substances and reveals the luminous matter lying in the foundation of everything that exists. The same can be said about the magnet of a fiery heart; in its own way it discloses the fiery nature of everything that draws near it. Thus through the fiery heart one can observe fiery qualities. It is only necessary to discover such a heart and with great caution utilize it in this experiment…. a simple truthful attitude assists in cognizing the actual rhythms of the cosmos. It is easy to substitute greed for cosmic rhythm, but the bond with Hierarchy leads to realization of truth. Experience in the beautiful keeps one within the bounds of authenticity. When the earthly world is so rich, when the subtle world is still richer, when the fiery realm is so majestic then experience in the beautiful is needed. Only acuteness of observation helps to affirm beauty. -M: Fiery World 1933

216, 332. It was affirmed many times by the philosophers that a gathering of people is permissible only when it has a high moral consequence. Obviously this saying is a strange one for our time. A gathering of people now usually ends in distortion of the simplest precepts. Let us look upon the subtle and fiery surroundings of such populous assemblies. Let us look and be horrified— discordant rhythms admit only the lower entities and transform the fiery sendings into searing fire. If it is difficult for an earthly benevolent visitor to make his way through a beastly crowd, then subtle beings will be flung away like dry leaves in a whirlwind…. Compare the fire of a smelting furnace with the flame of a raging conflagration; compare harmonious action with the elements of chaos. All salutary rhythms are invoked in order to manifest concordance of action. Therefore schools must develop the rhythm of harmoniousness…. Precisely the fiery principle exists by a special rhythm. -M: Fiery World 1934

236. Especially at present during the epidemic of obsession people must seek heart communion. -M: Fiery World 1934

118. But we say achievement of Spirit is needed, and this fiery quality is attained only through the inner fire of the heart. Rightly has it been said that the deeds of the heart are the foundation. Knowledge of the heart affirms the great essence. Therefore the heart as a magnet is powerful; of course a being lives in all potentiality. -M: Fiery World 1935

53, 209. But thought produces the most powerful rhythms, and with such vibrations one can create….Ancient man was much coarser, and mechanical rhythms and rituals were necessary for the awakening of subtle energies. But now that the nervous system is considerably finer, mankind can see that will and thought are natural attributes and therefore must be utilized in natural ways. -M: Supermundane 1, 1938

333, 411. It would be unwise to put stress upon only one group of nerve centers. The foundations of life are manifold and its refinement should have no limitations….Constant aspiration is harmonious and generates beautiful rhythms, while impatience is discordant and acts fitfully, disturbing the rhythm. Impatience demonstrates ignorance of the basic law that the essence of Being is in a state of constant motion. Only patient, alert, ardent observation can reveal the power of energy. -Morya: Supermundane 2, 1938
ElMorya22.jpg by H. Schmiechen, 1884

news; the responsibility of the kindled heart is great

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny confirmed in an Instagram post on Tuesday that he is currently in Barcelona, where he recently underwent an operation on his right eye, following an attack last month in Moscow.

“They told me that my vision, unfortunately, won’t be restored for a few months,” Navalny wrote on Instagram, explaining that he’s only able to make out the largest first row of letters, when testing his vision using an eye chart.
In late April, a man sprayed antiseptic into Navalny’s face as he was exiting his office in Moscow. The substance got into Navalny’s right eye, resulting in what doctors later diagnosed to be a chemical burn.
5-9-17 Just one foreign head of state attended Moscow’s Victory Day Parade this year: Moldovan President Igor Dodon https://themoscowtimes.com/news/only-one-foreign-leader-attended-this-years-victory-day-parade-in-moscow-57946
5-10-17 Police in Italy have seized an estimated 37 million painkillers which they suspect were being shipped to Libya to be sold to ISIS fighters who take them during battle. The pills are understood to be tramadol, the painkiller which some use as a cheap alternative to cocaine….
Terror groups routinely encourage the use of a wide variety of drugs by their foot soldiers. Those who attacked the Bataclan music club in Paris in 2013, slaughtering 89 people, were said to be high on the amphetamine Captagon. It suppresses hunger, fear and fatigue. https://heatst.com/world/police-intercept-37-million-painkillers-headed-for-isis-terrorists/?mod=fark_im
357. One must understand rhythms, for how else do we bring effectiveness to our actions? If lifeless sand arranges itself into special designs in response to rhythmic vibrations, then how much more is humanity influenced by rhythm! -Morya: Agni Yoga 1929
401. The superiority of the Spirit will not come if we do not strive toward it. -M: Hierarchy 1931
49, 145. new rhythms are like a new armor unexpected by the dark ones. One can continuously create new vibrations and thus repel darkness…. each work that is executed inspiredly becomes a source of subtle vibrations, therefore I insist on quality of work. -M: Heart 1932
82,472. The responsibility of the kindled heart is great. It transmits rhythms and currents along the line of Hierarchy….Only the mediocre craftsman will deplore everything unusual. Only an impoverished imagination is satisfied with the limits set by others. The true master develops great acuteness and resourcefulness in himself. The blessed spell of his craft frees the master worker from discouragement. Even the night does not bring darkness for the master, but only a variety of forms of the one fire. No one can entice a master toward aimless speculations, because he knows the inexhaustibility of the essence of being. In the name of this unity the master gathers each blossom and constructs an eternal harmony. He regrets the waste of any material. But people far from mastery lose the best treasures. They repeat the best prayers and invocations, but these broken and unrealized rhythms are carried away like dust. -M: Fiery World 1933 IMG_1819.JPG
Opportunity in this hour is a gate ajar that does not swing full wide but allows those who observe it to pass through unnoticed by the mass mind–yet it is a golden gate and the opening whereby the soul may pass over rather than under….
Know truly, beloved, that an archangel does desperately seek those who ma implement the divine plan and carry a light for more than just themselves but for the many. -Archangel Gabriel: 5-1-1988, Wesak and Saint Germain’s ascension day, at San Francisco via Messenger E C ProphetIMG_1821.JPG -Gabriel with Mohammed, in Prayer and Meditation, 1978; Gautama Buddha from same source: IMG_1820.JPG

Care is a quality of the Deity

Understanding Yourself XIV

Here in the field of kal (time) and desa (space) the chaff of human experience can be separated from the wheat of spiritual growth. Here the false starts and the false moves that inscribed the karmic record upon the soul can be adjudicated and balanced. And here the beautiful purpose of realigning the consciousness and of manifesting the original purpose for which the individual took embodiment can best be served….Care is a quality of the Deity….
When men are able willingly to surrender their habitual identification with the changing, death-centered mortal personality at that moment they actually attain immortality….When this transfer occurs the body need no longer be a liability to the soul but it can provide the necessary adjunct that will assist the soul in bringing about the ascension of the consciousness and the reunion of the vehicles and of the total man with the heart of his divine Presence. Inasmuch as the Presence is birthless and deathless and holds contact with every other part of life in the most beautiful sense of infinity, at the moment of awakening the whole universe bursts into view within the consciousness….
Consider then what it means to be able to hold in your hands the globe of compassion as the scepter of power, to be able to assist as God does in the development of the universe, to be free from mortal limitation and to commune with the immortals in their exalted state of consciousness–for they formerly passed through the same doorway which you will now be passing through as the soul awakens.
And remember, dear hearts, those of you who have difficulty in accepting the truth of reembodiment because you do not in your outer mind recall all of the events of the past, that it is the soul’s memory that is able to integrate all experience into a comprehensive whole. The objective consciousness is naturally confined to the memory of the events of your present life until it learns to reach into the memory of the soul and to draw forth with crystal clarity the patterns of life that integrate the allness of self into the allness of the universe….
Those who attempt to force these spiritual experiences through the use of dangerous drugs or mental probings and exercises literally tear open the petals of the flower of the soul from the budding center….Man must never permit the desecration of the beautiful soul which the Lord God made in His own image. The restoration of the son to the image of the Father is the precious way of salvation which is implemented by the power in hand of the living Christ-identity vouchsafed to every man….
Man is a God in the becoming, but he can never know this while he thinks earthly thoughts; he can never know this by worldly knowledge. For the things of this world are foolishness with God, and in the eyes of God the only real values are those that free man from the eclipse of being that has concealed the Sun from his eyes. lanto.jpg-Lanto: Pearls of Wisdom 12:38
Understanding Yourself XV

…but all were looking to exalt in themselves freedom from past responsibilities….I have learned to trust in Him completely for He is able to save to the uttermost those that believe on Him. But the faith that men have is but a goad to the works that they must do in order to transpose the self from its habitual affinity to an understanding of its eternal divine reality. Therefore you must not live in the sense of your present order or disorder, of your present progress or struggle, of your present fears or hopes, but you must come apart from all that makes up the world of opposites where man is found alternating between his midnight and his noonday hour where the shades of expression pass from exaltation to depression and then back again to exaltation.
To dwell in the consciousness of the living God is to hold oneself in a state of such constant beauty as defies description in ordinary words, in ordinary tongues. Only the tongues of angels could even begin to describe what it is really like….When the home of heaven lives within you the dwelling place of man is no longer important. For you can command the elements around you to be free, you can take dominion over environmental forces, and you can create through beauty and art a place which God Himself will call home….Whereas there are on the lower astral planes of life frightening and gruesome figures which seek to harm the soul as it journeys from one plane of existence to the next, he who places his trust in God is able to draw the power of the angels and archangels to his defense and to rise out of those dense spheres and controlled realms….
All things that you do that are cooperative with your Presence in the bringing forth of the kingdom of heaven around you will help to evolve the kingdom of heaven within you….Although man may be born in faint hope, he lives to see the day when that hope becomes the vital faith that carries him through all of the vicissitudes of life….
I call to God for renewed perspective for each one of you that you may vent your consciousness by opening the windows of the soul and by calling for the sunlight of His radiance to pour through….
Of old as Saint Francis I carried many hefty stones and threw them into place, even with my knee. Now I place my knees upon the eternal rock of the living Christ who is our joint salvation and I pray with thee that the mantle of His peace may sustain thy heart at every moment—at the dawn producing hope and at the midnight hour producing an awareness of the coming dawn.
Your sincere friend of the ages, hqdefault copy 3.jpg-Kuthumi: Pearls of Wisdom 12:39

Understanding Yourself XVI

Man’s delight in the inward laws of his own being will increase in majesty and in power through his realization that the gift of dominion lies within his own hand….But far too many of the children of God upon earth are unknowingly subject to the various methods of control of the self by others whose ideals and purposes are not identifiable with the divine plan but with a plan of personal domination. Dominion and domination are not the same thing; to take dominion means to be aware of the cosmic potential that has been implanted in the Self as a gift of the living God and then to begin to externalize in the outer world of form the beautiful patterns which God holds for every man, whereas the domination of mankind is the usurpation of his freewill.
One of the greatest mistakes men make is to fail to magnetize the plan of God first in the inner world of the mind and then externalize it in the outer world of manifestation, for the divine plan is intimately involved with the subtleties of the inner radiance of the divine consciousness in man. When the divine plan is passed through the muddied stream of the subconscious mind, filled with its hodgepodge of vain imaginings, it is temporarily lost to the outer mind which can then bring forth only the bane of ignorance upon the screen of life.
The purification of one’s consciousness then is a vital prerequisite for the beginning student as well as for the more advanced along the path who would truly find their way Godward. The winged God-Self cannot fly when its wings are clipped by human vanities or man’s self-imposed limitations. Man is truly a God in exile, but he need not remain so. He can purify his world through application to the heart of Deity, and he can invoke those cosmic flame patterns which are manifestations of the flow of the Christ consciousness. It is then the sense of sin as well as involvement in iniquity that has promoted in men those feelings of guilt which cause them to go deeper and deeper into debt simply because they do not see their way clear to pay the debts they already have made….
The question has been raised, shall a man purify and develop his soul simultaneously or must he complete his purification before he begins his development? Beloved ones, let us put first things first: purification is development, for even in the building of a house you must first clear the land and prepare the site before you can lay a proper foundation….
We acknowledge that the techniques that are recommended for the students’ spiritualization may differ according to the teacher, but the individual should always remember that his relationship to his God Presence remains the same. Therefore upon the student rests the responsibility of drawing from the Teachings the effective application that will enable him to profit the most from the instruction….review will often revitalize the whole imaginative process and enable you to capture an inner picture of a host of subjects which–when integrated–will add to your compendium of knowledge that is so valuable in the business of living.
Divine arts are no different from human ones, and we choose to think that the business of living is really a divine art, but far too many among mankind take this business for granted. Long ago one of the great followers of Christ said, “Ye are not your own but ye are bought with a price” (1Cor. 6:19-20)….your own Holy Christ Self is the mighty orifice of the fountain of Life. As this opening is enlarged through your attunement and the expansion of your own level of awareness the unfolding realities of the Self will bring the peace that comes with a more comprehensive knowledge of the Law….
He is the door and all that climb up another way are thieves and robbers (John 10:1). Christ is the light of the world (John 8:12). But centuries ago children who had only a partial glimpse of reality twisted and warped the great Christine truths that would have given all men their freedom long ago….There are entirely too many among mankind who function mechanically, repeating with cyclic regularity their boring routines without ever realizing their opportunity to bring the Christ light into the simplest and humblest task….The grace that is not too proud to become as a little child in spiritual things (Matt. 18:3-4), to stoop that it might enter the narrow sometimes low doorway of events will ultimately find itself at the feet of Infinite Grace….
The flame here at Lake Titicaca rises high. May all aspire to the highest illumination of the Real Self. I remain devoted to your light, Meru: Pearls of Wisdom 12:40
Bolivia-Lake-Titicaca-5.jpg-Lake Titicaca

No man must say “My Presence is over your Presence”

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-Messengers of the Brotherhood in Egypt and Holy Land in Sept.1972 with friends; afterward they went to Ghana, the Freedom/Justice Arch at Accra shown; below is La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, headquarters of Summit Lighthouse, 1966-76.
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Understanding Yourself XIII
The subtle forces of the serpent that roam the planet, whether they act through a fraudulent theology, through psychopolitical treachery, or through an invasion of the minds of men producing obsessions will continue to downgrade the individual by amplifying his supposed or actual errors, and they will continue to seek to hide the beautiful image of God in which each man was made. We propose to restore the individual sense of dignity and worth as one of the first steps in finalizing man’s understanding of himself. It is not that we would say of the veil that men have done, it is no cause of punishment….The world is full of condemnation.
Mankind do not understand that when they condemn one another they also condemn themselves, nor do they understand that condemnation is a tangible misqualification of God’s energy, nor do they realize that when they laugh at one another they are actually laughing in the dark at God who in is in the light. For God dwells in the inner light of every man (John 1:9), and those who speak against the veiled prophet that abides within as the hidden man of the heart (Pet. 3:4) speak out of the darkness of themselves against the light. That they know it not and are ignorant is no excuse….
You are a child of the light,/ You were created in the image divine, You are a child of infinity,/ You dwell in the veils of time,/ You are a son of the Most High!
To ray your light and to serve/ Is to do the will divine/ By being the Living Word./ No darkness can long endure/ Before the radiant light./ The truth will make you secure/ And ready your soul for flight—/ The ascension is the goal./ As Jesus arose from the sod/ He inspired man to enfold/ Himself in the mantle of God….
He will guide and guard you forever,/ He will carry you far in His arm,/ He hides Himself from the clever,/ He enshrines the poor with His charm….
I AM the name you must call on—/ ’Tis Being so broad and true./ For the narrow confinements of selfhood// Can only hide from view/ The Face of Forever in heaven/ Unfolding within the soul….
As Jesus said to John on Patmos, “Behold, I AM alive forevermore….and have the keys of hell and of death” (Rev. 1:18), so the development of the deathless consciousness of your Creator will enable you to build for eternity. Understand thy highest Self as the God of very gods….These gentle graces, thought upon with utter devotion, will take the sting out of the battle of life and they will balance the service of the man of great spiritual attainment with the man who is just beginning….Until men merge with their divine image and with their divine inheritance they should not look to the matter of who is free from karma and who is not, who has more karma and who has less karma. For the way of overcoming is strictly a matter of consciously realizing that one’s living identity is the deathless, birthless Eternal God.
Though identification with this Eternal God the lodestone of the Presence becomes the magnet that focuses energy and purpose in the individual monad, drawing him ever upward in the great sounding stream of universal progress….
But a note of caution must be sounded here. No one must use his Presence to harm other men or others upon the path. No man must say, “My Presence is over your Presence,” for the Presence of all life is one and the delicate interaction between the souls of men that is a development of the power and wisdom of the Presence always exudes the perfect activity of divine love….When you commend your life and your thoughts unto Him you automatically free the lower self from the converging and diverging lines of karmic force and you draw into and you draw into your unscented consciousness the beautiful qualities of the Presence that fulfill step by step the necessary and lawful requirements that lead to your ultimate freedom in the light. Oh, if only the students would grasp this principle! And then if they would reread this series until they have made it a part of the inner instruction that is written in the heart, they would find it much easier to manifest the freedom of genuine happiness in fulfilling their divine plan. -Meru Pearls of Wisdom 12:37