the freedom enshrined as an opportunity to elect to do the will of God


IMG_1008    -Rembrandt:  detail of “The Polish Rider”, c. 1655

Saint Germain once took the name of Rakoczy—he does represent the House of Rakoczy.  He is the figure in Rembrandt’s painting The Polish Rider–this is the only one of Saint Germain which is authentic.   And so Saint Germain is today still Saint Germain and it means Sanctus Germanicus or Holy Brother.     -Messenger Mark Prophet:  “The Mysteries of Enoch and Arhatship,” 9-10-1971, (audio B8295)


I am the founder of the House of Rakoczy.  And in our mansion in Transylvania, where there has been established on the etheric plane a sacred temple of the Maltese cross, there are enshrined records of past civilizations of glory and blueprints for a golden age to come….

When freedom is found within the soul of a man or a woman–the freedom enshrined as an opportunity to elect to do the will of God–then do you know what takes place?  Freedom in the soul becomes a magnet, and to that one is given God-power!  And God-power–do you know to do what with? –to initiate spirals of God-direction….

Mankind by their misuse of the energies of the violet flame have lost the ballgame!  And they are completely out of the ballpark, as you would say…They (the ascended masters) are real and I AM real, whereas those who live in illusion, who support illusion, who sponsor illusion–they themselves become a mirage upon the deserts of life.  And they fade out of existence because they have not placed themselves within the lens of God’s consciousness, within the center of His all-seeing Eye.  Because they are not aware of God, God as the awareness of Himself within man is not aware of them.  For He is only aware of that which identifies with reality.     -Great Divine Director:  4-29-1973 at Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet                                                                                                                                -C. Sindelar

Xenos reasoned in his heart that if he could gradually draw the people into outpicturing their lower animal natures





The law of gravity, beloved ones, keeps your bodies attached to the ground for a purpose; likewise all of the components of natural law, wonderful as they are, are overflowing with infinite purpose….

Now let them (men) learn if they would ascend to eradicate this image (of negativity and sordidness) by filling the folds of memory with the soft, gentle, beautiful ideas of the resurrection and resurrection’s flame.  Nature has provided beautiful imagery as environment all over the world, and those who are perceptive to it can respond to it today in the very face of all human misqualification that has gone before.  The greatest boons to the ascension are the immaculate concepts of God…Cast aside illusion then, veil after veil of the personal person, and possess the willingness in the name of Almighty God to change your world!…

Lose not sight for a minute of the ultimate goal while keeping your hands upon the moldings of the present, for we shall prevail by unity with God and with one another.  With strength we shall overcome because God will it so.     -Serapis Bey:  Dossier on the Ascension, #10


Those who work behind the scenes to play Communism against capitalism, white against black, the rich against the poor also attempt to control whenever possible freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and even freedom of religion.  They have agreed that the end justifies the means and that they are born to rule.  For this purpose they manipulate economic trends, politics, science and religion to perpetuate their smug little world within the confines of the snarl they have made of it….

“From the inner planes the Archangels,” says Gabriel, “see the danger and sound the warning.  The strategy is one of anarchy.  The original Anarchist was Lucifer himself….The counterpoint of this strategy is to infiltrate the governments of the nations with irresponsible elements–the seed of the wicked themselves–and then to hold up the very corruption that their own members have created as the justifiable grounds for the overthrow of the entire system itself.  This circus of the fallen ones has been repeated again and again throughout the ages while self-centered and naive children of God who have failed to give their undying commitment to the flame of life within themselves and all people have become susceptible to the ruses of Satan’s spoiled children….And a part of this conspiracy is to erase the connecting lines of the conspiracy in the physical plane….The connection is a common vibration of individuals who have long ago rebelled against their own Real Self and the God-government of that Christ…”  (-Archangel Gabriel:  Mysteries of the Holy Grail) in M and E C Prophet:  Paths of Light and Darkness, 2005, pp. 276-8


Jesus (on Atlantis) began his reign in 33,000 B.C. after the golden age had been in progress for over 1500 years….All the people of this civilization knew and accepted God’s will.  Jesus and Magda (his twinflame) did not have to impose any rules on the people because they were all in attunement with their divine Source.

However after Jesus had reigned for 450 years the seeds of corruption were sown by one called Xenos, who was chief counsellor to the emperor.  Finally Xenos convinced the people to revolt against the government because the government was supposedly not supporting them.  Xenos took over as leader of the government.  Jesus Christ, Magda and two million loyal subjects–20% of the people–went to the land that later was to become Suern–India including Arabia.  Half of them made their ascension at that time, the other half have continued to evolve on Earth until today.

On Atlantis the once golden-age civilization gradually descended into barbarism as the pople, imperceptibly to themselves, grew dense and insensitive to life.  Looting and anarchy prevailed to the point where even Xenos lost control.    -Messengers M and E C Prophet:  The Masters and Their Retreats, p. 142


Xenos reasoned in his heart that if he could gradually draw the people into outpicturing their lower animal natures he would be able to control them                   -Messenger E C Prophet, see

We must restore the Earth to her golden age estate.

Christ must be enthroned in every heart and in every home; he must blaze upon every altar as the sacred fire.  We must restore the Earth to her golden age estate.  Technocracy must embrace a divine theocracy.  Atheism–spawned of the Serpent’s sinuous materialistic concepts invading and pervading the universities of the world–must be shed that the dove of order with the olive branch in his bill may appear.  Then shall the Universal Spirit of the Lord God unite the universe that is within with the universe that is without.          -Sanat Kumara:  Pearls of Wisdom 11:25

      -Lady Venus & Sanat Kumara by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985


We urge everyone–beginners as well as advanced students on the path–to reexamine our first instructions from time to time, to take them to heart and to try to understand that it is the human mind with its penchant for sudden boredom or doubt that deprives the individual of his ascension….

In the case of the blessed violet fire the benefits of the fire are permanent, for when application is made by the student to the heart of his divine Presence for the protection of his great tube of light and the assistance of the violet transmuting flame with each application there are removed layers of misqualified substance from his world.  It is difficult for individuals to see how these layers are built up, therefore they cannot always expect that they are going to see how they are stripped away. ..As this wall (of density between a man and God) is removed the inner light can shine forth and make contact with all that is beautiful and good in the universe.

Just as the sinister force broadcasts its negations into the world which so many of the students have picked up (and sometimes amplified), the students must always bear in mind that the ascended masters and the angelic hosts are constantly broadcasting their vibrations into the higher realms of light and thus the students can receive the benefit of this outflow on behalf of freedom (and amplify it)….

The meaning of the word damned is condemned, therefore the end result of individuals believing a lie about others or themselves is ultimate condemnation all the way around. For whatever is held in consciousness about life–any part of it–or one’s associates is eventually outpictured in one’s own world.  This is the law, blessed ones; it functions unerringly and no one is excluded for the law is impersonal….

Your freedom comes not by criticism, condemnation or judgment nor does it come by exalting yourselves above your fellowmen by your own personal opinions.  Your freedom comes by humble recognition of the Magnificat–”He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalteth them of low degree” (Luke 1:52).                  -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 11:27


To us was given the desire and power to chase the mayic gloom and the weavings of delusion, to tenderly upraise the hearts of hope that men might once again catch the vision and retain it as a lodestone, as a magnet of the Spirit, as a star, as a star of hope that perennially graces the great cosmic realm of light.     -Djwal Kul:  12-8-1965 via Messenger Mark Prophet

Come then into unity with Thyself–with the omnipresent omniscient mind of Christ.  When the sheep are scattered the Good Shepherd seeks to find that which is lost, and there are none so lost as those who belong to the flock of hopelessness where their hearts see not the chaliced treasures of the Eternal in concept, in word, in deed, in thought, in the pinions of passion that flies upward with a mighty surge to claim the virtue that is resonant within the heavens and in the song of the angels.
  Yet men below whose vibratory action is affinitized with the weightiness and heaviness of mortality are unable to vibrate with the consonance of the song of the angels and with the glow of light which at times comes close to the Earth’s crust and produces a mighty foment of wey–mighty waves of spiritual delight splash against the hardened stony attitudes of mankind and literally cover them with a shower of the golden raiment of the angels, the cloth of spiritual identification.       -Djwal Kul:  12-10-1967 via Messenger Mark Prophet
And in the hour of the culmination of that consciousness of the fallen ones the light from the Great Central Sun will break their government, their darkness, their false hierarchy.  And the hour of the breaking and the confounding of the fallen ones may not be disclosed; it may be decades or hundreds of years after the crucifixion of mankind by their one-world economy and one-world government.    -Gautama Buddha:  5-3-1977 at Pasadena via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, see

When man’s concern freed from overconcern for self sought earnestly to draw others to the star of unity


Comprehension then is to partake in holy communion at the altar of God of the nectar of spiritual illumination….Now in our New Year offering we would not give one whit of condemnation to mankind, for the infinite ocean of God’s peace is scarcely disturbed by the pinch of dust flecked upon the water’s edge….

Bear well in mind that all imbalance must be corrected, that all dissonance must be adjusted to the vibratory action of the music of the spheres, that sweetness of disposition must replace the belching monsters of the dying beasts of materiality whose tails lash out dragonlike to destroy the perfect image before its establishment in man’s consciousness and person.           -Gautama Buddha:  Pearls of Wisdom 8:1


I AM come then this dawn of the new year/ To join the holy energies Gautama has released  And assert the dominance of cosmic peace/ That shall never cease                                              Until the last man, woman and child is free/ To be the exact replica of the divine decree      That forges in the field of time/ Some measure of God’s joy sublime                                         That shines the midnight hour/ And takes from evil all its power                                             Until the light of truth proves well/ The hordes of evil to repel                                                         To break the long outwoven spell/ That blinded man and beast alike                                       And chained all elemental life!…

To realize that in the heart of being/ There is an inward power of seeing/ Whose virtue must be amplified until/ Godlike eyes and vision appear within men’s will/ And the breaches and schisms of past ages are healed/ By the appearance of the patterns immortal, God-sealed

Then the mystery of the white stone will be known/ And each man’s new name                              Will be seen in the virtue of his God-flame/ And substance unfolding shall fashion anew           A garment of light and beauty too/ And heaven’s measure of purity will be                                   A symboled treasure of the good and the free!             -Vesta: Pearl 8:2


And progress–what progress was made in those days when each thought of each one was concerned with the sun manifesting the fullness of the light principle in one another!   When man’s concern freed from overconcern for self sought earnestly to draw others to the star of unity–the body of man congruent as symbol placed on symbol, star upon star, hope upon hope, pyramided portion of cosmic energy invoking strength through unity and joy and immortality and feeling the passion of the stars–the star flowed light rays outward from sun-center to periphery and the strata of density was removed.       -Gautama Buddha: 12-31-1967 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet


A moment’s acceptance often gives eternal liberation; yet men do not see their victories as composed of small stuff.  Obedience to the Law seems beneath them from time to time.  Like Naaman the Syrian they would rather obey their own rationalizations than to dip seven times in the Jordan as the prophet commanded (2 Kings 5)….

The cult of success judges all things by earthly standards…We who observe the ritual of valor understand that the flower of knighthood is yet to be found in a true sense of justice resident within the soul…If the lagging spirit does not find the energy and the will, let the individual understand that both the energy and the will are to be found in the eye of the master.    -Morya:  Pearl 13:39         


It matters not whether man is extraordinary or ordinary.  He can if he will retain God’s vision of himself be it in a limited way or in an unlimited way….As long as he thinks he is moving toward a perfection he will continue to strive, but when he knows that the perfection of God is and that the outer expression is not but only seems to be, he will recognize what is the splendor of reality, what is the splendor of initiation, what is the beauty of the perfection of the divine moment–a moment that can never cease to be, that is one with eternity.

The bubble of time, the sea of (lesser) being must be dissolved….This is the height, the depth, the width, the breadth of every creature:  to express God and to be free from the delusions of self.      -Maitreya:  Pearl 13:40


When long ago I spoke and said unto men, “Those who love one another have best loved me,” it was a spark derived from God by which I knew that the lightninglike love of His Being could transform hearts.  And as my realization mounted and the darkness was unreal I rejoiced in the stream of His light as the renewal of meaning and purpose for every son of God.  I cherished that light as the hope of every man and instantly I knew the secrets of the ages….His speaking to my heart was as the thunder before the dawn or as the lightning-flash before the thunder….

For if the hearts of men will wander, ours is to return them to the eternal fold.  Ours is to bring them back to a sense of destiny before the foolhardiness of life lived according to the human pattern has drowned destiny within them…Let willingness destroy lethargy and bear the bond of our way to the hearts of the helpless.     -Jesus Christ:  Pearl 13:51


The white stone is the philosopher’s stone that has been talked about and around, but few have discovered its secret.  Saint Germain says, “Know thy Self as the white stone.”   -Messenger ECP:  Inner Perspectives, see

In flinging away from the heart the cares that so momentously deprive one of reality



Beloved ones, since the beginning of this dispensation not a few have at first excelled and then exceeded themselves in the practice of the Teaching and in the service of El Morya. But then they have wearied in well-doing and allowed themselves to fall by the wayside. Their roots were not deep and they did not fight for the light to be encased in their bodies and souls and minds to displace the darkness….

You need to set the priorities of your life and realize that throughout the ages the members of communities of the Holy Spirit have put God first–union with immortal Life first–and yet they have apportioned their time so as to allow them to do many other things….focus on the project that the Lords of Karma in conjunction with your Holy Christ Self assigned you to do–that you know you must accomplish and that you will never accomplish unless you focus all of your energies on that lifetime project and make up your mind that come what may certain things must be set aside in order for the work to be accomplished.          -Lanello: 3-6-1994 at RTR, Montana


In flinging away from the heart the cares that so momentously deprive one of reality the sheltering arms of Nature are perceived….Darkness flees, chaos becomes order, purpose is born: love engulfs life. Selfhood is bestowed and Christ is perceived as the healer of nations and of men.                       -Surya of God-Star Sirius: Pearls of Wisdom 13:32


Almost petrifying to humanity are the current outreaches in the behavioral sciences, parapsychology and the wider ramifications of ecology. These stagger the imagination of man leaving him trembling in lonely nakedness at the brink of a an abyss, literally torn by the winds of impact. Man cries out for help, and we wish to give it….

He (man) is told that he will need no help from any other save those who would make merchandise of him by promising to communicate to him the techniques of mind control. These, he is assured, will enable him to bend not only his own mind but the mind of others at will                  -Leonora: Pearls of Wisdom 13:34


5-8-15    The theological movement, Pacepa said, was born in 1960 as a “disinformation” program approved by KGB Chairman Aleksandr Shelepin, the coordinator of the Communist Party’s international policies. The program was designed to give the KGB “secret control of the World Council of Churches (WCC), based in Geneva, Switzerland, and use it as cover for converting liberation theology into a South American revolutionary tool,” Pacepa said. The WCC was a large and tempting target as an international ecumenical organization representing more than half a billion Christians of various denominations in 120 countries.

the childlike mind and Spirit of creative innocence

Let men learn to empty themselves of their attachments to the earth; so shall they begin to enter into the childlike mind and Spirit of creative innocence….This sweet surrender to the mighty currents of cosmic law and purity shows him the need to transfer from the higher octaves of light into the lower ramifications of self the power and the glory, the victory and the understanding, the transmittal and the transmutation….

His Loving Heart bids all to enter:  “Take upon you, precious child,                                                           Garments of mastery meek and mild./  Dominion need not bluster,                                                     Yet dominion e’er shall muster/ Each required grace                                                                                     To help the world keep pace/ With cosmic legions when facing senile moments.                            Youth and light appear when facing time’s election./ Shed then all your fears and glow,                Eternal fires of youthful cosmic innocence!”      -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:15


Progress is never governed as much by what man desires to do or to be or even by what the world has to offer as it is by his realization that he can be all that God wants him to be–if he will just accept that simple thought.

Seek not the bizarre; rather be content to be a good man or a good woman.     -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:17


What man requires then is not a simple formula or system of affirmation and denial to disprove the existence of the material universe–as though by mere thought he could alter the creation–but the knowledge of that power which will transmute the frozen energies of his world whether dense or ethereal into light and love and truth….although man must be free, he must also be willingly bound to the Highest.  The Gloria in Excelsis Deo that will bring true peace on earth is in the soul.  It was planted in the garden of the heart by the Almighty.  In Him and in the Spirit of truth that he is is the unfoldment of loveliness and high adventure.    -Saint Germain:  Pearl 13:27

IMG_0169 from Prayer and Meditation, 1978IMG_0164-Shasta Freedom Conference, 1975


4-30-15  TTIP  Trans-Atlantic Trade Pact

“It was they (Spanish President Mariano Rajoy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and French President Francois Hollande) who insisted that the negotiations take place in secret,” says left-wing MEP George Scholz.


Beloved ones, therefore I Mary say to you that the concern of my heart is for the children of God who are not equal to the temptation of the dweller-on-the-threshold in whom–because there is some fallow field in consciousness–a seed of doubt may be planted, a seed of fear.  And fear begets excessive self-concern, a change even in physical bodily functions, an acceleration of a consciousness of survival and self-preservation.  Therefore the mind becomes clouded, increasingly clouded, and darkness is in the sky….

I weep not for the fallen angels but I weep for those who unknowingly have become their tools and therefore bear an enormous karma.    -Archeia Mary:  4-1-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger ECP


75.   Thus if you notice an inhuman cruelty, be assured that this is a sign of the dark ones.  Each Teaching of Light is primarily a development of humaneness.  Remember this definitely for the world has never before been in such a need of this quality.  Humaneness is the gateway to all other worlds.  Humaneness is the basis of straight-knowledge.  Humaneness is the wings of beauty.  The essence of humaneness is the substance of the chalice.  Therefore above all on Earth let us be clothed in humaneness and recognize it as an armor against the dark forces.  A fiery manifestation will visit the heart through humaneness.         -Morya:  Fiery World 1933

let no man rend the veil of the oneness of thy life with the living Christ

You are valiant souls who have chosen and elected to pursue this course toward righteousness. Then in heaven’s name pursue it.  And I say to all:  let men view it; let men understand it.  They may call you frantic fanatics; it does not matter.  For you know in your own hearts that the beauty and joy that you seek stems from those cosmic God-ideological formations in the universe itself which are the very basis and foundation of all freedom expressed through Nature….

We have sponsored thousands from among mankind in the course of our spiritual evolution; do you think then that you could sponsor a few?  Do you think then that you can undertake to influence a few seeing we have influenced the many and seeing the ascended host and the angelic hosts are all on your side?     -Divine Director:  1-2-1971 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet


Let not lesser considerations take the place of this path, this understanding, this vigil.  For you see just as quickly as you gain this Mother-awareness, this Mother-Presence, you will find yourself feeding the multitudes, tending the millions.  For the Mother-flame of cosmos will flow through you as those rivers of living water (John 7:38) and many, many will gain that same inner strength by your presence in thee earth.

These days are not far from you!  Do not compare the path of the ascended masters and the Great White Brotherhood to any other path, East or West.  Let no man take thy crown in this hour–let no man rend the veil of the oneness of thy life with the living Christ.

Understand, beloved hearts, that this is the new dispensation of Aquarius.  It does not require centuries, as in the past, to come into this union.  Nor should the process be taken lightly.  Nor should you so easily forgive yourself your discords as if it were nothing.    -Archeia Mary:  12-24-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles


You have heard the “Victory Symphony” and I tell you that victory, beloved, is the fanfare of our presence.  And this music has been given to Beethoven by ourselves that you might have the Spirit of Victory in sound….

The Sun does consume all unlike itself.  The Sun-Presence is the very Presence of the Cosmic Christ….For you see it is not according to your say or your words and works that death and hell have remained on this planet but it is because it is the kingdom of the fallen ones….Do not allow it (their moving against the lightbearers) for I, Helios and Vesta, place in the hand of your Holy Christ Self a mighty scepter.  You may call to your Christ Self to use that scepter in the name of the Son of God–in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Maitreya, Gautama, Sanat Kumara.  You may call to him to use that scepter!…It is the power of the Trinity to put down the fallen ones, to put them down, beloved, and to seize from them all of the supply that they have stolen from you and from your causal body often in [your] moments of ignorance and folly and of trusting those whom you should not trust.     -Helios:  7-4-1991 at RTR, Montana


Jesus asked the Presence (his Father) with whom he lived in consciousness that if he should take his ascension would a Spirit of Comfort be sent to the disciples that would animate within themselves those powers that they let lie dormant, resting upon the accomplishment of Jesus. The answer was that a Comforter, a Paraclete, would be sent.  That is how I came on WhitSunday after the ascent (resurrection) of Jesus to men and women who had witnessed every miracle including the resurrection of so-called dead bodies who had dormant Christus within themselves, who had the proximity of the Master and yet could not even through that proximity release through themselves those powers which Jesus showed them again and again.

So on that first Whitsuntide as those who had followed him were gathered together in the upper room I, answering the promise to Jesus, sent those tongues of flame as described in the Bible which were really magnetic currents of energy which expanded the Christ-power within them. Their inner eyes were opened and they saw the manifestation of that flame and, as they had been promised by their Master of the coming of this Holy Comforter, they accepted in full power that grace given.  So they went forth then, those who had been unable to speak freely, spoke with the most magnificent persuasion; others healed.  All were filled with what they thought was Jesus’ consciousness, but it was merely expansion of their own Christ-flame into which I had breathed my breath as the Comforter and also as the mighty fire of creation.    -Maha Chohan:  5-25-1958 via Messenger Geraldine Innocente, in Law of Life and Teaching 3, Luk Publication, Pueblo, CO, 1978, pp. 559-560   mahachohan


Yes, the crisis is the opportunity….We will not eliminate those rocks from your path; we will not eliminate the tests; we will not eliminate the temptations.  We will give you the equipment by wisdom to discern, to meet every experience, to make the right decision.

If you don’t study the Law how can you be expected to outsmart the fallen ones who come with all of their many schemes and temptations to take from you the abundance of the Divine Mother?  Consider then what is it worth to continue in the schools of the Brotherhood….

I am the one who has stuck out the neck for the chela.  I am the one most likely to lose that head by sticking out that neck.  There are not many masters who will trifle with human creation…There is no way to get wisdom or love without the blueprint of Life….

You must rise.  We have descended as law as we can go and that is the level of your Christ Self. Unless you rise to that level you will have the responsibility of having broken the tie to Hierarchy.     -El Morya:  11-16-1975 at Colorado Springs via Messenger ECP


Alpha and Omega are very much practical and that also means down-to-earth….We are wholly God-identified beings, beloved, certainly not discarnates, certainly not spirits that mutter and peep.  We are in the Mind of God; we are in that Mind fully and totally and can access any information about anyone anywhere in cosmos.  This is our service.  This is why there is the necessity [for mortals such as you to congregate] among Immortals [such as we]….

So realize, beloved, that precipitation is based upon exactness.  Exactness is the call of the hour, the sharpening of the mind.  You can have all things from God from the Great Central Sun if you will crack the formula.  You will never crack it without love and without forgiveness and without the joy of the Lord in doing a service that will render benefits to life rather than glory to the human ego.  You can rest assured that when you truly serve to set life free, beloved, God will give you many means to accomplish that end.

I ask you to understand as never before that each one of you is an instrument in the process of turning this world around and bring in that golden age.  Comparatively few individuals upon this planet will accept and hear the Word spoken through this Messenger….Blessed ones, you are a key, you are an absolute key to that balancing of the light upon Earth, to increasing the light whereby the light swallows up the darkness itself….

A few saints in past ages have made the difference and you can make the difference [today]. The only problem is that you do not consider yourself worthy of sainthood.  I say you are fully worthy because God is in you!….

Now you may become the master [of yourself], and you may come to many others who need you, who need you, who need you in this hour, beloved!  I am Leto, your teacher of light and your sister on the path.  I too am a representative of the Divine Mother and I bid you adieu.        -Leto:  10-28-1990 at New York City via Messenger ECP


 -Freddie Gray of Baltimore, Maryland

When there is no rain it is a sign that there is not a chalice to receive the drops of the Holy Spirit


You will notice then that souls who think that they have the quality of God and of the Spirit are in fact psychic, possessing psychic frequencies and phenomena, and they move in spiritual circles but they are not representative of the Holy Spirit.  And so there always have been–on Lemuria and Atlantis and through the centuries–those who have walked a pseudo-path of religion and a pseudo-path of the science of religion.  And with their free-love philosophy and their freedom to be anything come what may they have led astray the sheep of the fold….

When there is no rain it is a sign that there is not a chalice to receive the drops of the Holy Spirit….when there is the unbalance, the absence of the Holy Spirit across the land then there is no magnet for the balance of the forces in Nature and of fire, air, water and earth….

According to your vision so will the action of your love-spiral be.        -Elohim Amora:  7-4-1977 at Pasadena, see at nature:  balance p. 192, 196 for this and the following dictation from Lord Shiva in the following link’s%20balance&f=false


Beloved ones, were it not for the presence in embodiment of the Messengers and the chelas (to hold the balance on Earth and to keep at bay in some ways the dark ones and their energies) I tell you the economy of this nation would have already collapsed….Beloved ones, civilization itself is held upon the tenuous thread of the ability to the individual to sustain the contact with the inner light, for those in embodiment who hold the reins of power in these areas of service do not have the actual attainment to meet the opposition that is leveled against those strongholds that are the service of the people….

We are not concerned with those who love the path of compromise; they are neither hot nor cold; they are spewed out of the mouth of God and out of our presence.  We march forward with those who have the zeal of the sacred fire     -Lord Shiva:  3-23-2978 at Miami Beach via Messenger ECP


And scientists tell us there are no beings of Nature, no elementals, that all things run by themselves in this cosmos–fantastically, that all things run by themselves!   -Messenger ECP:   7-3-1975 at Mt. Shasta, see’s%20balance&f=false


Through inward delight in the law of God man can reach the point where he is able to withstand the onslaughts of excessive emotionalism and hold himself in the balance of the universal light even when his sensitive nature causes him to feel the pain of anger or regret concerning the conduct of another.

Ascended master Image

-Lanto:  Understanding Yourself, #5, see’s%20balance&f=false


Love, wisdom and power constitute the trinity of the divine nature manifest in man.  A man or woman who possesses these qualities in perfect balance is known as a Christed one.                      -Messengers M and E Prophet, see’s%20balance&f=false

Calbuco; secure a place where they could dwell in the lusts of the flesh for all eternity

Ashfall Reports

This view from Puerto Varas, southern Chile, shows a high column of ash and lava spewing from the Calbuco volcano, on April 23, 2015. (David Cortes Serey/AFP/Getty Images)


Coming into embodiment through members of the fourth root race [under Manu Lord Himalaya], these (laggard) lifestreams did not respond to the ministrations of the angelic hosts and the counsels of their elders.  Instead they continued in their rebellious ways.  They were determined to reverse the upward course of golden age civilizations and to deprive mankind of the teachings of higher law and the mysteries of the Christ, thereby attempting to ensure as centuries passed and the dust covered the records of man’s devotion to God that no one would be able to ascend.  Thus the laggards have sought to maintain a status quo of imperfection on Earth to secure a place where they could dwell in the lusts of the flesh for all eternity, keeping the children of the light bound by their economic schemes and thus vamparizing the light of God to prolong their decadent consciousness.

Having already evolved for millions of years before coming to Earth the laggard are older souls than those who have recently come forth from the heart of God….they always feel that they are a superior race and a chosen people–a people chosen to rule those who are “inferior” to them….

Alpha announced the final judgment and second death of Lucifer on July 5, 1975; Jesus Christ announced the final judgment and second death of Satan on February 1, 1982.  Who is now left on Earth that has enough attainment on the left-handed path (unbalanced power) to conduct galactic warfare?  Enter Serpent the mastermind, the usurper–subtle, sleek, sophisticated and sly….

Serpent wanted to blend his seed of rebellion (on the second ray) with the seed of light.  His synthesis was the demon, the de-mon, deified man, the man who makes himself god without being the servant of God because he doesn’t have to serve God….Renowned psychologist Erich Fromm comments that those who are the “necrophiles (have) precisely the reverse of the values we connect with normal life:  not life but death excites and satisfies them” (E. Fromm:  War within Man, 1963, p. 9).    -Messengers Mark and E C Prophet:  Paths of Light and Darkness, 2005, pp. 241-58.


Beloved ones, I assure you that the Mind of Elohim of the Second Ray is the chalice of the Mind of God!  Fear not therefore.  O daughter of Zion, soul of Jerusalem, fear not!  For the eye of Elohim is on every detail of the saving of the planet.  And therefore open thy heart and chalice and being and hold it steady, hold it steadfast and carry our light.  And our angels are ready to take the very words that tumble from your mouths by the power of the fiery prophets and to implement these for the saving of nations.  We will turn back!…

This golden fire of the mind, this illumination will literally take the whole world out of the socket of darkness, ignorance, susceptibility–susceptibility by greed to Serpent’s philosophy of World Communism.

I tell you, these serpents are like the best of computers.  They still cannot rise so high as the Mind of God in his true sons.  Therefore realize the absolute limitations upon these fallen ones, beloved hearts of living flame!  Understand the power of the miracle light of joy that is the combination of the will of God with wisdom’s flame!…

Thus understand [that this greater release of light through the upraised chalice of the many] is not only [by] the geometrization [of the Word and the] multiplication of [the God-]power [of Elohim] by the spoken Word [of the devotees on earth], but [it is also] by the combination of many individuals providing their body temples [in living service and sacrifice who are also] moving to the point of sensing their true oneness in the Great White Brotherhood.                        -Elohim Apollo:  5-13-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles, see


When man’s best is not good enough to become a universal standard

1)  When man’s best is not good enough to become a universal standard then it is best that his sphere of influence be less than universal.  The removal of the nation-state removes the last means (besides severe cataclysm) of limiting the proliferation of error until man himself is able to transcend the limitations of his false indoctrination.

We must conclude that until the “specialists” who are slated to take charge of the proposed one-world ecosystem acknowledge the Christ-potential of every member of the biosphere and self-mastery becomes the primary goal of education, until the purpose of government is seen to be the protection of the Christ in every man,  a worldwide system of control is in danger of being used by the wrong people for the wrong ends.  Only when the specialists themselves are working consciously toward oneness with the Christ Self can they be trusted to preserve the freedoms that are essential to every man’s realization of the Christ; only then can they be trusted to carve out the destiny of an entire planetary evolution.    -Messengers M and E Prophet:  Climb the Highest Mountain, 1972, p. 486

2)  Until the feminine principle of the Godhead is ennobled in each man and each woman the Christ cannot be born.      -Messengers M and E Prophet:  My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord, 1974, p. 17

The prayer “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us…” settled* the Nestorian heresy which arose from the mouth of Anastasius–“Let no one call Mary the Mother of God, for Mary was a human being, and that God should be born of a human being is impossible;”…the Council at Ephesus affirmed the Motherhood of God for all of Christendom….

To mother means to give birth to, to give rise to, to care for and to protect.  Therefore to be the mother of God is to give birth to, to care for and to protect His flame on earth.  To mother the flame of Spirit in the plane of matter is the calling of the feminine ray in both man and woman.  -Messenger ECP:  My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord, pp. 118-9                                                               *settled–until the Protestant Revolution

3)  Some know not that their souls yearn for the light of the Divine Mother for they are surfeited in intellectual pride and arrogance.  They have sought Her in many ways, but they have been given the chaff instead of the wheat.  They have not been given even a morsel of the true consciousness and the true wisdom of the Mother.  Beware then that you become not puffed up with the wisdom of the world, with the intellectual meanderings that carry the mind far afield from its attunement with the Christ.     -Archeia Mary:  7-23-1972 at Accra via Messenger ECP

4)  Individuals seek without for that which is already within.  Just as the entire pattern of nature is manifest in the seed, so in the divine seed the living Word is the inherent God-identity, Christ-identity and soul-identity of every man.    -Serapis Bey:  Pearls of Wisdom 5-7-1967

5)  Your causal body has a focalpoint for the release of energy of the hierarchy of Capricorn (and of all 12 solar hierarchies as one moves through the year), and your four lower bodies are capable of releasing that flow if you can transmute all impediments to that flow.   -Messenger ECP:  7-5-1975 at Mt. Shasta

6)  One may call at the entry of the Sun into a new astrologic sign each month in this wise:  “In the name of the Mighty I AM, beloved Helios and the Great Central Sun Magnet, beloved God Obedience and the seven mighty Elohim:  I call for the modulation of the frequencies of the light of the solar hierarchies from Aries to Taurus (or name the relevant signs) for the greater good; seize, bind and lock all conceit, deceit, arrogance and ego, all disobedience, stubbornness and defiance of the Law, all moon substance and all that is not of the light into mighty Astrea’s cosmic circle and sword of blue flame of a thousand suns and blaze megatons of cosmic light, blue lightning rays and violet fire in, through and around all that opposes or attempts to interfere with the fulfillment of my God-control and God-obedience and my divine plan fulfilled in all cycles” (name relevant misqualified energies and relevant God-virtues for the other signs when one gets to the entry of the Sun again, or at other times when one feels it is necessary–in that case drop the “modulation of frequencies” bit).   see The Great White Brotherhood in the History, Culture and Religion of America, pp. 205-6

7)  There is the point of choice that is known as the wye (Y) in the path–there is the point at which you must elect to take the right-handed path or the left-handed path.  The right-handed path is taking the knowledge of the Brotherhood, the initiations and the energies of the I AM Presence and using these solely to the glory of the flame and to the service of humanity.  The left-handed path is taking all of this and using it to the glory of the ego; this path has been outpictured in the way of Satanism, in the way of the inverted five-pointed star whereby the Christ is inverted, the carnal mind is elevated and all of the energies that God gives are used for the gratification of the senses and the gratification of the ego.  Unfortunately the right- and the left-handed paths are not so clearly defined when the choices come….

In each age there has been a master and a group of devotees who have carried the balance so that the Earth could survive and civilization could continue with continuity.     -Messenger ECP:  7-3-1975 at Mt. Shasta

IMG_02698)  excellent and profound history of US banking by Rothbard, 1982 and 2002, selected passages shown.  Jay Cooke, key Civil War financier who played a key role in the very dark conspiracy against Abe Lincoln, is detailed quite closely and clearly amid the treacherous waters of finance: