Xenos reasoned in his heart that if he could gradually draw the people into outpicturing their lower animal natures





The law of gravity, beloved ones, keeps your bodies attached to the ground for a purpose; likewise all of the components of natural law, wonderful as they are, are overflowing with infinite purpose….

Now let them (men) learn if they would ascend to eradicate this image (of negativity and sordidness) by filling the folds of memory with the soft, gentle, beautiful ideas of the resurrection and resurrection’s flame.  Nature has provided beautiful imagery as environment all over the world, and those who are perceptive to it can respond to it today in the very face of all human misqualification that has gone before.  The greatest boons to the ascension are the immaculate concepts of God…Cast aside illusion then, veil after veil of the personal person, and possess the willingness in the name of Almighty God to change your world!…

Lose not sight for a minute of the ultimate goal while keeping your hands upon the moldings of the present, for we shall prevail by unity with God and with one another.  With strength we shall overcome because God will it so.     -Serapis Bey:  Dossier on the Ascension, #10


Those who work behind the scenes to play Communism against capitalism, white against black, the rich against the poor also attempt to control whenever possible freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and even freedom of religion.  They have agreed that the end justifies the means and that they are born to rule.  For this purpose they manipulate economic trends, politics, science and religion to perpetuate their smug little world within the confines of the snarl they have made of it….

“From the inner planes the Archangels,” says Gabriel, “see the danger and sound the warning.  The strategy is one of anarchy.  The original Anarchist was Lucifer himself….The counterpoint of this strategy is to infiltrate the governments of the nations with irresponsible elements–the seed of the wicked themselves–and then to hold up the very corruption that their own members have created as the justifiable grounds for the overthrow of the entire system itself.  This circus of the fallen ones has been repeated again and again throughout the ages while self-centered and naive children of God who have failed to give their undying commitment to the flame of life within themselves and all people have become susceptible to the ruses of Satan’s spoiled children….And a part of this conspiracy is to erase the connecting lines of the conspiracy in the physical plane….The connection is a common vibration of individuals who have long ago rebelled against their own Real Self and the God-government of that Christ…”  (-Archangel Gabriel:  Mysteries of the Holy Grail) in M and E C Prophet:  Paths of Light and Darkness, 2005, pp. 276-8


Jesus (on Atlantis) began his reign in 33,000 B.C. after the golden age had been in progress for over 1500 years….All the people of this civilization knew and accepted God’s will.  Jesus and Magda (his twinflame) did not have to impose any rules on the people because they were all in attunement with their divine Source.

However after Jesus had reigned for 450 years the seeds of corruption were sown by one called Xenos, who was chief counsellor to the emperor.  Finally Xenos convinced the people to revolt against the government because the government was supposedly not supporting them.  Xenos took over as leader of the government.  Jesus Christ, Magda and two million loyal subjects–20% of the people–went to the land that later was to become Suern–India including Arabia.  Half of them made their ascension at that time, the other half have continued to evolve on Earth until today.

On Atlantis the once golden-age civilization gradually descended into barbarism as the pople, imperceptibly to themselves, grew dense and insensitive to life.  Looting and anarchy prevailed to the point where even Xenos lost control.    -Messengers M and E C Prophet:  The Masters and Their Retreats, p. 142


Xenos reasoned in his heart that if he could gradually draw the people into outpicturing their lower animal natures he would be able to control them                   -Messenger E C Prophet, see https://books.google.com/books?id=nBlOwrLYiHEC&pg=PA142&dq=clare+prophet+anarchy&hl=en&sa=X&ei=57BXVcGPEsWayASRkoHABg&ved=0CE8Q6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=clare%20prophet%20anarchy&f=false