“I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,” Dr. Giaever stated.

“I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,” Dr. Giaever stated in Germany on 7-1-2015.


But fundamentally, your mission statement becomes your constitution, the solid expression of your vision and values.  It becomes the criterion by which you measure everything else in your life.      –Stephen Covey


Good leaders must communicate vision clearly, creatively and continually.  However the vision doesn’t come alive until the leader models it.Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.        –John C. Maxwell


Know then, beloved, that it is time to consider the fate of the soul of a people–individuals and a nation.  Wherefore destiny if there be no leaders with vision?  Without leaders of vision the people perish though they may be surfeited in all physical wants.  It is a treacherous time when people are allured by technology and success while the enemy creeps and crawls even beneath one’s seat.

Know then, O beloved, that the survival of the soul is paramount.  One must know that in anty hour of the day or night the soul is strengthened, having woven her deathless solar body, that wedding garment, that she might take flight if called.

Salvation is something that only the individual can guarantee.  Nay, there is no priest who can guarantee it, there is no manmade doctrine that can guarantee it.  For salvation is the elevation of the self in God by individual effort and striving.  We who have learned also our lessons would save you the pain of perishing–crushed and smothered by a materialism that is far spent and offers no true accouterment of light….

Blessed hearts, life in the cup is precious and meant to be drunk, even the dregs, that when the cup is empty thou shalt be full and not empty….Let those who kept the flame of the great Shamballa long ago, let those who tended altars on Lemuria, those who sang in great choirs and played in the orchestras of Atlantis keeping the flame of the great cathedrals—let them also know that by sound, by heart, by determination, by aloneness on a cold night with the stars man, woman and child may find that inner destiny and divinity and by that light rise to a level of heroism that is called for when millions are threatened and undefended from those in this world who have another agenda which is the agenda of hell itself.     -El Morya:  11-15-1988 at Toronto via Messenger E C Prophet


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